

Aug/26/2008 TUE 快晴




レッドラインに乗る前に、最近お馴染みのduane readeに立ち寄って、スターバックスのバニラフラペチーノの瓶2.19ドルと、クランベリー味のトロピカーナ2.79ドルを買った。これらはリュックサックの中に入れておいて、いつでも飲んで歩けるようにしておく。


レッドラインのキャナルSt.駅から地上にあがって、昨日と同じ角のスタンドに、朝食を求めて並ぼうと試みた。すると、そこにはにっこりとアイコンタクトをくれるおじさんの視線があった。昨日のおじさんだ!昨日エッグ&チーズ ベーコンのサンドを作ってくれた、あのおじさんだ!!おじさんのその表情は、昨日の朝に俺が買ったことを、もしかしたらまだ覚えていてくれているのかもしれなかった。

「Do you remember me?」と問いかける。するとにっこりして、「もちろん、昨日話したじゃないか。」って答えてくれた。やっぱり覚えててくれたんだ。少し嬉しい。今日は3ドルで菓子パンを2つ買った。そして支払い、受け取りとともに「See you again!」と笑いかけた。againを強調してにっこりと。するとおじさんは嬉しそうに声を上げて笑ってくれた。「Hahahaha.」。タマゴパンのようなメロンパンのような甘い甘いその菓子パンの生地は、昨日に増してとても爽やかな味わいだった。



Today, I want to write this diary in English, because I’ve got some kind of strange feelings.

Today was the first day of the LSI study-program lessons. After Tomonori and I reached at LSI language school, we checked on the board and find out each name, and examined about which classroom we would study at, and who were going to be my classmates.

In my class, English level was pre-intermediate, and Tomonori and other Japanese friends since yesterday ware all together, elementary class, which was easier class than mine. Actually, I felt very happy because I wanted to have less and less time with Japanese students as I can at LSI shcool. However, when I looked at the board and the names of my classmates, they said to me that there were eleven students in my class, and six of them are from Japan!! I was so dizzy to know about that. Did that mean I have to speak English among so many Japanese classmates?

At the lecture, I realized some students were good at speaking English, and the others were not so much. There are also students of all age, and Julie, who is our teacher, is very kind and nice lady. For example, when we couldn’t understand what she said, she always tried to explain and show us with some easy examples.

Today’s lesson was about past simple and present perfect. I thought that the lesson wasn’t difficult for me. I felt that its grammar level was like a junior high school in Japan. But I’m not used to be   learning in English, It was very difficult to communicate with everyone in English. Especially, I couldn’t introduce myself or make understood easily. Speaking English is much more difficult than thinking some words only in my mind. I had little vocabulary, and I didn’t know what to say in each situation.

Fortunately, I could make friends in my classmates.

After school (at 13:00), I was planning to go shopping with my new Japanese friend, Moe at first. She is a Japanese girl who likes shopping, but she said that she has no friends to shop with. I was interested in what staying in New York is like. So we seemed to go together, but she said to me that she would walk around in so many shops, and that might exhaust me a lot. She appeared to be alone. So I decided not to follow her, and promised to go to the Outlet next time, when we have all-day off on Saturday, Sunday or someday.

Then two of my classmates, Kazu and Sangbum told me about taking a lunch together. And they suggested me to follow them this afternoon. I reply with big smile and go out with them.

After about 5-minuit-walk from LSI, we got into an American restaurant. Two Japanese and a Korean ate a chicken plate for lunch (12$). We talked something about teacher, classmate, hobby, and our countries. They were very helpful for me, because I’d been here for few days and I didn’t know about lives in New York.

After the big meal, Kazu said that he wanted to go shopping and look for some clothes. So I decided to go with, we went to many clothing shops, including UNIQLO. In New York, UNIQLO had almost the similar clothes in Japan. I think maybe they will become more popular, because UNIQLO has a lot of simple designed clothes. And all around here, I think, some kinds of simple patterned clothes are loved in America.

Kazu didn’t buy clothes but he seemed to be satisfied. After that, we went to a coffee shop (AROMA CAFE) and still keep talking with iced coffee (4.25$).

After getting out of the coffee shop, we went to a park and sat on a bench. Then, Sangbum told me that my face looks like his university professor.

Kazu is Japanese; whose real name is Kazuya Yamamoto. We always enjoyed talking in English when we spoke with. We didn’t use Japanese language at all even when Sangbum was absent. That was partly because Sangbum is Korean people and he cannot understand Japanese language. We thought if we would talk Japanese language among three, it may be very rude to a Korean guy, to a foreign people. But the most mainly reason why we spoke only in Japanese is because we both wanted to study English hardly.

Kazu told me that he is shy because of his useless right hand, but I envied him. He is very very good at speaking and listening English. Speaking with him, I realized that I must study harder and harder in order to use English fluently. Kazu graduated form Tokyo University of Science this year. And he wanted to be a math teacher.

Sangbum is a Korean guy, who wanted to make films. He knows movies in all around the world. He showed me a movie on the iPod, which he took in his house or home country.

Kazu and Sangbum were planning to look for Sangbum’s new house afternoon, because Sangbum wanted to move. They said to me that they would go so far away from Manhattan. So I didn’t go with them.

I said them goodbye, after we took some photos for today’s memory.

I really felt that it’s not the matter whether I can speak perfect English or not. The most important thing is to communicate with foreign people many times!!

On my way home, I couldn’t and wouldn’t think things in my mind in Japanese. I was seemed to be strange, because I felt myself as if I would have been a part of New York City. My brain was so full of English at that time, that I rode two wrong trains (from 16:30 to 18:00). With thinking in English, I couldn’t store some ideas in my mind for a while. So, that made me many mistakes on the subway. Be careful to my luggage, I only thought and got back home.

Now I can understand English as English more easily. Since today, I decide to use only English, think in English, dream in English, and speak to Japanese people in only English.

When I got back to the hotel YMCA, I was spoken to by a security guard person in front of the elevator. He explained that the computers in the hotel are all shot down, and we couldn’t use our old card keys any more. I felt a little doubtful toward him, but I gave him an old card and renewed one at the lobby  (at 18:30).

After I backed home, I wrote a diary in my bed (18:30~20:00).

At 20:00, Tomonori got back. So we talked about today’s each incident over homework. After taking a shower, he fell asleep (at 22:00).





はじめ、教室には授業開始5分前にもかかわらず、サンボンと俺しかいなかった。クラス分けの名前を見て、日本人はこの教室に俺以外に5人いることがわかっていたので、教室のドアを開けて早々、彼に「日本人?」と尋ねてみた。すると、彼は「韓国人です」と日本語で返してきた。韓国人から日本語が返ってきてビックリして「Do you know Japanese?」と尋ねたところ「People or language?」と、今度は英語で聞き返された。なるほど。日本語を知っているの?という意味で聞いたけど、この教室にいる日本人を知っている?みたいな意味でも捉えられるのか。彼は、日本語はほとんど知らないと答えた。これがニューヨークに来て同年代の外国人と初めて会話した、最初の英語となった。






メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です

弦本 卓也
1987年、埼玉県生まれ。大学卒業後、大手広告会社「リクルート」にて不動産メディア「スーモ」(SUUMO)の運営に従事。新卒で入社して、スーモのメディアづくりを7年、その後にエンジニア組織の組織づくりを4年行う。 また、リクルート社内の部活動制度にて「大家部」を立ち上げ部長を務める。不動産投資に関する情報交換や物件見学のワークショップなどを行う。 入社2年目に新築一戸建ての広告を取り扱う部署に異動したことをきっかけに、「いい企画を作るためには、まずは自分で経験したい」という想いから個人で新築一戸建てを購入。その翌年には売却分野を担当したことをきっかけに売却も経験。マンションの売買なども行い、11年間で11回の引っ越しを経験。 「新しい住まいや暮らしを自ら探究したい」という気持ちで購入した東京都千代田区の神保町の中古ビル「弦本ビル」は、コワーキングスペース、シェアオフィス、シェアハウス、飲食店が入居する複合ビルとなっており、20代を中心とした若手社会人や学生のやりたいことを実現する場所として注目を集めている。3年間で延べ1万人以上の来場者を記録し、家賃年収1,400万円を達成しながら満室経営を続けている。 お金面とビジョン面の両立を大切にしており、モットーは「一人ひとりの可能性をもっと世の中に」。会社員を続ける傍ら、学生時代に起業した会社とあわせて株式会社を3社創業。うち1社は売却し現在は2社を経営している。他にもエンジェル投資家として若手実業家の支援を手がける一面も。 日経新聞や不動産業界紙、書籍や雑誌、テレビなどでも多数の注目を集めておりセミナー講師なども行う。宅地建物取引士を保有。